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it's done..!

I just wanna tell you that the court thing was not so bad. I was there exactly at 830 am and had to wait in the court room before I met the attorney. He gave me offer to either to pledge guilty or to not take the contest. I chose 'no contest'. I dont really understand how it works but from what he explained, I could say that its better than to admit guilty or to go for a trial which is going to consume lots of time and money. At least, I dont have to meet her again and fight for something that i dont know that I'm gonna win although I know I was not at fault.

No contest is close to guilty but it is actually not because when I admit no contest, it means that I agree not to against or fight the charge that I had and in the same time accept the lawsuit by not admitting the charge. I know it Sounds confusing.If I admitted guilty, they will reduce the charge (i.e the class of the fault and fine, I had class 3)but no contest mean I'm still charged with the same amount of fine if I'm found guilty. I paid $90 ($65 for the charge and $25 for the court cost). It was not too bad compared to what I heard from other people who paid hundreds of dollars for the fine. Good thing is, it's done and I dont have to go back there (I hope).